Parts inspection & certification

Material has consistently been the key driver of engine repair costs. No matter whether hi-tech hot section parts or compressor parts or externals are required, the option to use serviceable items is always welcomed. This was the reason that we launched our specialized parts inspection and certification service.

Each step of the process – from part identification and history verification, cleaning, visual & dimensional inspection, NDT to final inspection and certification – is closely monitored by our engineers and inspectors to ensure that all serviceability criteria of the applicable ESM / CMM are met.

At present, Magnetic Engines offers this service on more than 500 piece part / component / module part numbers applicable to CFM56-3, CFM56-5B and CFM56-7B engines.

We also keep a stock of certified parts from our tear-down projects and can provide you with a spare part quickly for sale or exchange.

Contact us and we will provide you with more detailed information.